My fourth Thermography appointment was today. The highlights are: Face and mouth are more blue and green than shown on previous scans, indicating a drop in temperature. Tooth 29 is
Articles by Susan Lloyd
Bloodroot Round 3, Part 2
Today is Day 58 of the bloodroot experiment. This piece of tissue that is seriously holding on by a very small thread is the eschar. I was sort of playing
What are these GROOVES in my HEAD??
10 a.m.: I am a little freaked out. I have grooves in my head, behind my ears. Yesterday I noticed that my face was thinner. And no, I haven’t lost
Tooth 30 Pathology Report
Interesting … the pathology report said that I have a Periapical granuloma. Here is a bit of information from this website: So this is why I didn’t have a
Bloodroot Round 3, Part 1
Round 3 was much more painful than Rounds 1 and 2. Lots of shooting pains that would take me by surprise and I would experience a full body twitch. Thankfully
Intravenous Appointments
Extraction Follow-up
I felt like I had a lot of swelling in the extraction site and was concerned, so I went to see Dr. Hedge. He said it all looked “fine” and
Taking Tooth 30
Yesterday I had a tooth pulled. Today I feel sad when my tongue brushes past the place in my mouth where tooth 30 was. I took care of my teeth.
Bloodroot, My Turn, Round 2
This go round was amped up. I had more tingling. I had shooting pain out of nowhere that would catch me by surprise. Occasionally I experienced a full body “jerk
Stick Your Tongue Out and Say “AHHH”
I am kidding about saying “Ahhh.” I have another strange ailment. This one doesn’t hurt right now. It just looks odd. And I really don’t know what it is. The