Let me back up a little and tell you more about how I got to this point in my journey.
I have been involved with Natural Healing Therapies for approximately 14 1/2 years with the discovery of my son’s corn allergy. And then more intensely when I started Craniosacral Therapy to help with my daughter’s intrauterine skull fracture. I have a license in Reflexology and have taken classes in Aromatherapy. I have studied nutrition, herbalism, and a bit of Chinese medicine. I have researched all sorts of alternative therapies. And because I love to experiment, I have applied just about everything that I have researched.
One of the most interesting things that I found in my research was the story about Pasteur and Béchamp. Pasteur posited the Germ Theory: we catch bacteria, viruses, etc., and they cause the disease. Béchamp, on the other hand, theorized that we already have these pathogens in our bodies and a healthy environment doesn’t support disease. Therefore, keep the environment, the body, healthy and disease can’t live. This Environment Theory of disease made sense to me, so I applied it by eating healthy foods and working to keep a comfortable, stress-free home.
As a result, my kids and I were always in very good health and we rarely got sick. If we did get something, it was the slightest touch of stomach cramps, congestion, slightly elevated temperatures or diarrhea. I am very good at applying herbs to situations/symptoms. I cook all natural foods from scratch, and use organic ingredients as often as possible.
My friends come to me to ask questions about their issues. I tell them what I know and suggest remedies. In fact, I have a friend who dubbed me the “Wacky Quacky” because I am so good at supporting others to support their own ability to heal.
I am comfortable with the miracle of the human body and its innate ability to heal itself. God has given us all we need, we only have to access it.
So what a surprise it was when I was diagnosed with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma stage 2 breast cancer on June 6, 2017, after having a biopsy on June 5, 2017. This is so odd for me to say considering how healthy I am. However, I have been under a great deal of extreme stress for almost 10 years. Needless to say, my emotional self has taken a beating. And, there is a strong emotional component to disease. (See Louise Hay’s book, You Can Heal Your Life. Louise Hay also healed herself from cancer.)
Thankfully the small things in life were good. And, no matter what, I have a very strong and loving family behind me. I have also developed an incredible support group of loving friends who I am happy to call my family. My children are a blessing to me and I love them dearly. I have always had faith in God and his work through me. Because of these many gifts, I was able to see the cancer as just the next step in my journey, the next step in allowing me to become the person that I am meant to be.
I am not defined by my past or my future, but who I am in the small moments called the present.
After I received the results of the biopsy that day in the car, I was determined to stay curious and map my own journey. A journey defined by healing my body, mind and spirit.