Chris Beat Cancer

Chris Beat Cancer: A Comprehensive Plan for Healing Naturally
By Chris Wark

Chris Wark was 26 when he was diagnosed with colon cancer.  He proceeded to have surgery to remove the tumor, additionally 49 lymph nodes were removed.  After surgery the doctors informed him he would need 9 to 12 months of chemotherapy.  As he recovered, his intuition kicked in and he began to doubt chemotherapy.  He chose a raw food diet and found a nutritionist and retired oncological surgeon to guide him.  He has been cancer free for over 15 years.  A very inspiring story.

The rest of the book is based on well researched facts and data. He touches upon toxins, diet, exercise, and cancer-causing viruses.

Ch. 3

Doctor’s Orders
State of the Medical system, medical teaching, iatrogenesis (death as a result of medical treatment), spontaneous remission, misdiagnosis, manipulation of statistics (like survival rates)

Ch. 4

Making a Killing
Pharmaceutical industry, non-replicable published research, survival statistics

Ch. 5

It’s Not Like I Need Your Business
Business side of chemo drugs, including drug approvals via the FDA, advertising campaigns, more statistics

Ch. 6

Elephant in the Waiting Room
Death statistics – cancer industry (?) manipulation of statistics

Ch. 7

The Beat Cancer Mindset
Do you want to live?  Five components:

  • Accept total responsibility for your health.

  • Be willing to do whatever it takes.

  • Take massive action.

  • Make plans for the future.

  • Enjoy your life and the process.

Ch. 8

Plants Versus Zombies – How Nutrition Fights Cancer
Top anti-cancer fruits and vegetables, mushrooms, spices, teas

Ch. 9

Heroic Doses
Plant-based diet, juicing, raw salads, fermented foods, smoothies, nuts, Chris’ routine

Ch. 10

Building a New Body
Importance of nutrition to the trillions of cells in our body, Blue Zones, Rural Africans, clean meat vs. scavengers, disease causing organisms, meat, and marinades

Ch. 11

Take Out the Trash
Reducing your toxic load from processed food, additives, beauty products, drink a lot of clean water, remove silver (mercury) fillings and in our food, our (?) quality household cleaning, electropollution, fasting, detox reaction

Ch. 12

Let’s Get Physical
Extreme exercise, right amount of exercise, exercise promotes detox, rebounding, sleep, day of rest

Ch. 13

Under Pressure
Effects of stress, chronic stress, worry, stress reduction

Ch. 14

Spiritual Healing
Power of Faith

I found this book valuable as a first read.  There is a breath of knowledge, statistics, and a path forward to help empower the newly diagnosed in taking steps on their journey.
