My boyfriend had a spot on his neck that had been bothering him for about a year. He said that several years previous he had a cancerous mole removed from the general area. I got excited. Here was a chance to see bloodroot in action!
I showed him some of the information that I had researched. He agreed to try the treatment and I ordered black salve from two sources.
The treatment time is about 10 days. I took some pictures to show what happened. It was very cool!
Several days after this picture, his neck is perfect. You can see new healthy skin surrounded by leathery aged skin.
The process did indeed pull out a small chunk of tissue, called an eschar (or scab). The area never bled. What you see on the Band-Aid is a salve to keep the area moist.
I have to say that I agree with the things that I read. Bloodroot is selective about what cells it targets. It removes unhealthy tissue and leaves the healthy tissue.
I am very excited to try this on myself!