
Nature Works Best

I found a website called Nature Works Best with naturopathic Dr. Colleen Huber. She runs a natural cancer clinic in Tempe, Arizona. She has a series of videos on her website called Cancer and BIochemistry. So far she has shown the metabolic pathways and where normal metabolic pathways veer away from cancer’s metabolic pathways. The third video discusses the importance of cutting sugar from the diet. Sugar feeds cancer, as discovered by Dr Otto Warberg in 1935. He won the Nobel Peace Prize for his work. 

In the fourth video she said something interesting … a basic chemistry principle is that if you add the end product to the reaction, you shut down the reaction. The end product of the use of sugar in a cancer cell is lactic acid. When you exercise, your normal cells produce lactic acid. 

So, if you exercise, you should be slowing down, or shutting down the cancer process. 

Video 5 talks about Vitamin B4, which has been found to actually be components of Vitamins B2 and B3, important vitamins to produce energy in the form of ATP. Video 6 discusses Vitamin C’s ability to produce H2O2. Normal cells turn H2O2 into H2O and Oxygen. Bt cancer cells are selectively killed by H2O2. How cool is that? Sort of a natural chemotherapy. See the National Academy of Sciences website – PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA), journal article entitled: “Pharmacological ascorbic acid concentrations selectively kill cancer cells: action as a pro-drug to deliver hydrogen peroxide to tissues.” Vitamin C can also kill cancer stem cells. See for the article entitled, “VItamin C preferentially kills cancer stem cells in hepato cellular carcinoma via SVCT-2.”

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