
September 2019

9/4 – I had an appointment with Monique, a nurse practitioner of Dr. Ruan’s. According to her, I am doing well and the next step is to do a DUTCH hormone test and have me work with Michelle, a nurse practitioner who has had breast cancer. Another consideration is to do IV ferritin because mine is so low. Ultimately, I turned down the IV ferritin because I have read that iron can encourage cancer AND because I don’t have any low iron symptoms, such as fatigue. Monique did tell me that low iron can contribute to thyroid issues. I want to tackle the cancer first; iron later.

9/20 – Dr. Nored and I worked out a plan to open up my jaw and douse the tissue with ozone to eliminate bacteria. But when I got there he didn’t do it. I felt angry and annoyed, and like he wasted my time.

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