
Tooth 30 Pathology Report

Interesting … the pathology report said that I have a Periapical granuloma. Here is a bit of information from this website:

Description, Causes and Risk Factors:

A proliferation of granulation tissue surrounding the apex of a nonvital tooth and arising in response to pulpal necrosis.

A periapical granuloma is a relatively common lesion or growth that develops around the tip of the tooth’s root. It consists of a proliferating mass of granulation tissue and bacteria that forms in response to dead tissue in the pulp chamber of the tooth. The death of pulp may be due to extensive decay, deep restorations or trauma to the tooth. The formulation of a periapical granuloma represents the body’s attempt to heal and wall off an infection.

So this is why I didn’t have a cavitation, or hole in my jaw.

Okay, so obviously I have some serious bacteria in my jaw and in at least one tooth. Now I wait and see what happens next. Thermography will be interesting. I have to wait at least 6 weeks from the date of the extraction before doing the thermography.  I am waiting. I have noticed that a lot of this healing is trying something and then waiting. A lot of waiting.

God is really teaching me patience.

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