As I was driving to work, I found myself talking to myself about trying to fix the men in my life so that they will love me the way I want to be loved. Not working. So? What do I do to change this? What can I do to feel loved and nurtured without depending on [flawed] men? I can love and nurture myself. (Funny, I do love myself in thought and word. BUT NOT in ACTION – I expect others to love me in action.) IN ACTION – the way I am going to think of it is, “I date myself.” (LOL, I am not exclusive, I will consider dating others also.) But this way, if I want to hear that I look beautiful, then I tell myself that I am beautiful. If I want flowers, I buy myself flowers. If I want to go to a movie, I plan the date and ask a friend to go along.
Later in the day I had an appointment with Chris. During the session I experienced a lot of cold waves of energy from my head to the bottom of my torso; traveling from chakra 7 to chakra 1; no waves of energy in my arms or legs, although my arms and legs got very cold. Lots of movement in my heart and solar plexus chakras; my solar plexus throbbed for a while afterward. It was a fairly intense session.
And, by the way, Chris loves the idea of me dating myself.