There is a trend. A disturbing trend in the minds of others. It shows how completely they have been brainwashed. I’m sorry if that offends. I don’t mean it to offend. Brainwashing can happen without your knowledge. In fact, knowledge is the key. Brainwashing can happen through the knowledge that you receive on a regular basis with emphasis on the knowledge that you DO NOT receive. How is it possible to know what you DO NOT know? In other words, you can NOT understand or fathom that of which you have no knowledge or experience.
I have been involved with Natural Healing Therapies for approximately 14 1/2 years with the discovery of my son’s corn allergy. And then more intensely when I started Craniosacral Therapy to help with my daughter’s intrauterine skull fracture. I am comfortable with the miracle of the human body and its innate ability to heal itself. God has given us all we need, we only have to access it. And I have been blessed to have been given the ability to understand, the curiosity to question the conventional, and the faith to trust what I believe.
When I announce to my family, friends, and support groups that I have cancer, the usual conversation that I have with people goes something like this:
- ME: I was just diagnosed with Stage 2 Breast Cancer.
- Them: Oh no! (sometimes tears) What treatment has been recommended?
(…Is there EVER any other treatment recommended? On a serious note, I have learned that it is against the law for doctors to recommend anything else.) - ME: Chemo to shrink the tumor, surgery followed by radiation, and more chemo.
- Them: Are you going to do it?/li>
- ME: No, I am against chemotherapy. I’m for building life, health and the immune system, not destroying it.
- Them: Well, what are you planning to do?
- ME: A natural treatment protocol including increased nutrition, supplements, emotional processing, energy work, etc.
“Well, just don’t wait too long.” What does that mean? After hearing it from several people, some people several times, I pondered it. Finally it clicked. Here is what it means to me: a) I’m not doing anything of value therapeutically in their minds, b) I’ll have to do conventional therapies / chemo eventually, and c) that I can die “soon” from the cancer, so “don’t wait too long.”
The cancer industry has done a great job of perpetuating fear among the people. These people close to me are afraid. They don’t realize that I probably have had this cancer for 6-7 years. A little longer isn’t going to hurt. I know they are afraid for me, afraid to lose me and afraid for my children to lose me. But I’m not going anywhere. I know God has a purpose for me. And this is just part of it.
On the other hand, I’m afraid for them. They have been brainwashed to the point that they don’t know the healing options that God has put before us. Nature’s Pharmacy: Bigger, Better, and Safer than anything Man can devise.
And I say to you,
*Is there a font that denotes sarcasm? Well, I just decided that orange text and “Covered by Your Grace” will be my sarcastic font.