
Energy Class and A SIGN from God

*For those who are unfamiliar with the concept of Chakras, follow this link for more information.

I felt compelled to take a class given by Chris, the guy who did the Crystal Light Table Session. The class was entitled “Energy Practitioners Workshop” and I knew that I needed to be there. It was the perfect time as it was Father’s Day weekend and the kids were gone. Also, it was near the place where I would have to pick them up on Sunday.

There were 4 of us in the class. The first day was filled with a lot of information and one practice session on reading chakras. The second day was information, a practice session on reading multi-level bodies and then a full-energy session using any tools available.

In my session, my classmate chose to use chakra rocks and crystals to re-balance my chakras. (Going back to my energy session on June 13th, I had chakras 3, 4, and 5 out of balance. Then the next day, I cleared chakra 3 when I got angry and chakra 4 at the hair salon. That left chakra 5, my throat chakra.) My classmate placed the rocks on my chakras starting at the root chakra then moving up my body. When she placed the rock on my throat, I felt a tingling and then started to feel vibrations above my throat.

As she went through the session, I started to feel a wave like motion flowing from my abdomen (3rd chakra) to my heart (4th chakra). It got stronger and stronger until she got to my throat. She unwound the chakra (rotating the crystal in a counterclockwise direction about 6-inches above my throat). The minute she stopped and started to wind the chakra (clockwise motion), I felt a wave start from my abdomen and crash into my throat! And the flow ebbed and started back the other way. When she moved to my third eye located on my forehead (this is also known as the mind’s eye or inner eye providing perception beyond ordinary sight).  I felt the wave motion flow from my toes to my head!  WOW so powerful! It’s almost like someone turned on SuperHero powers – I felt like I could take on anything!

My block at the throat chakra had dissolved!

A few minutes before 6, I left the workshop. As I was driving, I felt moved to say a prayer. I really enjoyed the way our instructor prayed before and after his energy sessions. I used his format. I invited all of the Angels, Archangels, Saints, Ascended Masters, Jesus, Mother Mary, God, my Spirit Guides, and my ancestors to be present. I prayed for healing and for the right people and therapies to come across my path so that I could heal. Of course I was driving and my eyes were open, but as I came out of the prayer, I felt like my eyes opened. I focused on the road … and the first thing that came into my sight was a sign. A message on the marquee of a church no less.

A sign from God. Really.

Yes, this is the sign that I was shown:

“God will show you everything you need to know.”

Feeling on cloud 9, being tickled at the immediate response to my prayer, and its method of delivery, I felt absolutely giddy. I pulled up to pick my kids up and was frantically typing a text message to my mom when my daughter opened the passenger door, immediately launching into her story, while stepping into the car. But when she turned to look at me, she stopped talking and exclaimed, “Wait. What did you do??!! You are happy!”

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