
Raising My Vibrational Energy

Remember that message? The one I received on June 7th about raising my vibrational energy? Not being sure what that meant, I thought I would look into a few things, on Google, of course. 

There wasn’t much that came up that made sense to me. But I did find some vibrational energy music on YouTube. I am not a musical person. So wrapping my head around this is difficult. And explaining it may be more difficult. 

Our current musical scale (Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Ti / C, D, E, F, G, A, and B) is based on seven (7) notes. I have read, but don’t understand it completely, that these tones are out of sync with our world. Supposedly, they produce sounds discordant with nature.

Going back in history, in the eleventh-century Guido of Arezzo invented a system of six notes (Ut, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La). These notes correspond to frequencies 396, 417, 528, 639, 741, and 852 Hertz. These frequencies are mathematically consistent with the patterns found in our world and are thought to penetrate our DNA to produce healing. Three more frequencies have been added: 174, 285 and 963. Below is a list of the frequencies and the healing they support. I have seen the frequencies called the Solfeggio Frequencies.

174 Hz

For the Relief of Pain and Stress

285 Hz

Heals Tissues and Organs

UT 396 Hz

Eliminates Fear

RE 417 Hz

Wipes Out Negativity

MI 528 Hz

Repairs DNA and Brings Positive Transformation

FA 639 Hz

Brings Love and Compassion

SOL 741 Hz

Repairs Cells and Organs

LA 852 Hz

Awakens Intuition and Raises Energy at Cellular Level

963 Hz

Connects to Higher Self

So I played some of this music on YouTube. There are several groups such as Zen Life Relax and PowerThoughts Meditation. This music is amazing. It is soothing, relaxing and speaks to me inside. I feel this music inside of me, and not like I feel music at a concert. That feels like my entire body is thumping with the music. This feels like the music is speaking to me on the inside. It is uplifting. And makes my heart feel like it can sing. 

The music alone isn’t the answer, but it is a step in the right direction.

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

Nikola Tesla

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